November 2023
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Welcome to the Christian Episcopal Church. We are a continuing Anglican jurisdiction with a long history and a distinct purpose. We are dedicated to faithfully worship and serve the Lord, and to share the Gospel with a world that needs it desperately. We worship in the traditional Anglican way.
When the Episcopal Church finally got to the point of no return theologically, many Anglican clergy felt they could no longer be connected to it and left. Our founding Archbishop (A. Donald Davies, fourth bishop of Dallas and founding bishop of Fort Worth TX) left in 1992 with 64 parishes.
After a few years, the Church of England headed in the same theological direction. In the United States, the liberal elements stayed in one group (The Episcopal Church or TEC) but the conservatives split into over 100 jurisdictions, many of whom are not in fellowship or communion with their fellow Anglicans, even though their canons and constitutions and beliefs are virtually the same.
Some of those jurisdictions are now straying from the orthodoxy of the Church. In order to be acceptable to the world around them, they are not practicing the clear biblical and historical guidelines of both theology and practice that have been in place for centuries.
The Christian Episcopal Church in the USA, Canada and the Cayman Islands seeks to practice the faith once delivered to the Apostles, be faithful to what God has called us to do in worship and service, and to be led by the Holy Spirit. We are a family of Faith.
Amidst all of the turmoil in both the world and the Church, we rejoice in the fact that the God who is in all and above all is sovereign. When people notice that we are a smaller jurisdiction, I always remind them of Gideon. Gideon’s group was small as well, but formidable in both faithfulness and effectiveness. It has always been our direct purpose to remain faithful to whatever God calls us to be, and to do.
Over the past thirty years, I have served as a full-time police, fire, Federal and First Responder chaplain. I have spent thousands of hours in a police car, responded to hundreds and hundreds of scenes, seen death in every form, and witnessed things that people wouldn’t feel comfortable watching on TV. But I can assure you that I still have belief and hope. Hope in a risen Lord. Hope that He orders all things, and that Jesus offers hope to all who believe on His name. The Church has a lot to accomplish until Jesus comes. It is my hope that the XnEC will be a part of it.
Thank for visiting our website. It is my hope that you will be encouraged and strengthened as a result.
May God richly bless you.